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Chapter 11 – Option 2 (Connection)

02/19/2021 2:41 PM | Anonymous

Tracy offers this definition (p. 281): “Proving is convincing your skeptical peers that a mathematical statement is true in a way that helps them understand why.

How do you see this process working in your teaching setting? Think about the varieties of justification/proof discussed in the chapter (pages 284–304): Measurement/Computation, Perception, Generalizing from Cases, Disprove with Counterexamples; Proving with Words, Representations, or Symbolic Notation. Which of these have you seen your students make use of?


  • 04/07/2021 3:00 PM | Carrie
    While reading this part, I found it very interesting to lead the kids that a "wrong" or disagreed upon answer just gives us the learning that is needed to get somewhere with our answers. I have always told kids that mistakes allow thinking to happen, however there is still this stigma at the lower grades that you have to give the right answer.

    I have been in a few classrooms, where I ask them to prove their answer from multiple students and when we have various answers, I actually "forget" to tell them the correct answer. I purpose leave it open for them to discuss on their own. I usually have students come to me and say "when are you coming back to our classroom to give us the answer"! I usually answer with "what have you decided upon for answer with your classmates". This has proven powerful because the teachers tell me that they can't stop talking about it!
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